Statistics for guild [Smoke] ~Elite Smokers~ on Juno

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Member Statistics (27 July 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Adabaron 117.90 6,547 484,130 192,087,902 6,370,431
2 Renegade.vr1 98.59 4,307 2,116,985 91,946,264 6,121,671
3 PhilEmpire 85.03 7,288 21,723,885 29,812,067 45,730,193
4 numero 78.55 8,622 188,095 37,016,327 154,942
5 Ender Wiggin 69.16 2,083 700 22,668,570 17,361,137
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